Advanced NMR techniques for investigating molecular and supramolecular structures in solution

16 Apr

Prof. Cristiano Zuccaccia. Università degli Studi di Perugia

March-May, 2025

18 h, 3 CFU

The course is separated into two modules. In the first part (14 hours) the main theoretical aspects of NMR spectroscopy will be summarized. After a brief recall of the basic principles, such as chemical shift and scalar coupling, 1D (spin echo and multi-pulse experiments) and 2D techniques (COSY, HMQC, HMBC, NOESY, ROESY) will be illustrated in some detail. In addition, the main principles and applications of diffusion NMR experiments (PGSE and DOSY) will be presented.  In the second part (4 hours), a series of practical exercises will be carried out, including, if possible, direct acquisition and data processing at the NMR spectrometer. Organic molecules, organometallic complexes or samples provided by the students themselves, will be used as examples to illustrate how different NMR experiments can be combined together to investigate their molecular and supramolecular structures in solution.