Giancarlo Cravotto (1 CFU), Maela Manzoli (2 CFU), Silvia Tabasso (1 CFU), Università di Torino
Course timetable 2025: from May 19 to May 29
In view of the very high environmental factor (25 to 100) of the production of fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals, new strategies are being introduced. The formative path of this course leads to the ability to understand and design more sustainable environmentally friendly processes, starting from lab scale to pilot scale and industrial plants. A range of process intensification technologies for industrial applications will be described and discussed: synthetic processes, extraction and catalytic processes assisted by non-conventional technologies (ultrasound, microwaves, ball mills, continuous-flow reactors, reactive extruders, pulsed electric fields, LED and plasma units). In addition, new hybrid reactors combining different technologies will be presented.
The critical parameters for transferring the process from the laboratory to the industrial plant will be discussed according to the SELECT rules (Safety, Environmental, Legal, Economic, Control, Throughput). At the end of the course, students should be able to recognise the potential and applicability of different technologies in a given production context. A selection of case studies will be presented.
1) Monday 19, 10:00-13:00
Green metrics and LCA of pharmaceutical processes (3 hours) Maela Manzoli;
2) Tuesday 20, 10:00-13:00
Focus on Pharmaceutical Industry: state-of-the-art and current trends (3 hours) Giancarlo Cravotto;
3) Wednesday 21, 10:00-13:00
Making the puzzle in heterogeneous catalysis: how to define structure activity relationships? (3 hours) Maela Manzoli;
4) Thursday 22, 10:00-13:00
Process Intensification for Chemical Industries (3 hours) Silvia Tabasso;
5) Friday 23, 10:00-13:00
Alternative energy sources for chemical reactions and processes (3 hours) Silvia Tabasso;
6) Monday 26, 10:00-13:00
Catalysis + enabling technologies: what is expected? (3 hours) Maela Manzoli;
7) Tuesday 27, 14:30-17:30
Catalytic process design to produce API. Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: Current Trends and What’s Next (3 hours) Maela Manzoli;
8) Wednesday 28, 9:00-12:00
Industrial pharmaceutical production and downstream, scaling-up of innovative processes.
Closing remarks (3 hours) Giancarlo Cravott