Advanced methods for the synthesis and characterisation of functional inorganic material

11 Apr

Prof. Cristina Femoni, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna


Schedule: 27/02 9:00-12:00; 28/02 9:00-12:00

(6h, 1 CFU)

Functional inorganic materials are molecular or non-molecular compounds with some specific properties that can find applications in batteries, fuel cells, catalysts, gas storage, etc. This course aims at giving an overview of the principal techniques for the synthesis and characterization of such functional inorganic materials. The first part will be devoted to the description of selected methods for their synthesis, for instance those based on solid-state reactions, high-temperature methods, and so on. The second part will focus on some of the most employed characterization techniques, such as those based on X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy.